Mars September 2019 Log
September 1, 2019 - September 30, 2019
Workspace at Lorenzo
Material Project
Fabric - Colorful Socks
Last Friday, I watched an anime film called Colorful before I started this project. I really love the quote from the movie:
“People don't just have one shade. We have all sorts of different colors.
And it's fine to have them.
Pretty colors... Disgusting colors...”
This is how the protagonist comments on everyone’s life: every character in the movie does something wrong but is forgiven eventually. Inspired by this quote, I want to create a product that is colorful in design and also has multiple ways to use. After that, I decided to create a pair of socks that have two sides to reflect the duality of a human’s personality as shown in the movie.
To get started, I went to the fabric store nearby to purchased fabrics. I was planning to make it in pure colors. To make socks, the man in the fabric store told me that I need some threads that can be stretched so that it fits on my feet. Unfortunately, the store did not have many options. Instead, I bought 4 pieces fabrics with interesting patterns.
Back to the workshop, I cut each fabric according the socks I already have. To make one two-sided sock, I need four pieces of fabrics. I created a prototype to prove the idea, but it was too small to fit my foot.
(The first prototype. This is a sock. It has two sides, each of which also two sides)
When I was going to make an another one, I had a Eureka moment-if I use four different pieces of fabrics, it becomes a four-sided sock! Basically, the four-sided sock is just two socks sewed together.
(Left: the first prototype sewed together. Right: the final product)
The whole process took me around 6 to 7 hours. Since I had never used sewing machine before, it took me a while to learn how to operate the machine.
The Colorful Sock is a pair of socks that has multiple facets-just like us. We are in different role, mood, and even personality in various settings throughout the day. First of all, I want the audience and the users feel cheerful and intrigued since the unique design that is fun to play and fun to wear. I also want people to embrace an ever-changing, multifaceted self. This message is a little bit implicit for people without context, but I would like to tell the story when presenting.
Final Products
Polymer - Apple's Home (Lego pieces for Apple products)
I’ve been waiting for this polymer project for a long time. I own plenty of Apple products¬-Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc. I wanted to have a watch and phone charging stand, but I did not like the design online. This project is the opportunity to create my own design.
I started with pencil sketch and designed a few iterations. Then I moved to modeling on computer. Alex suggested me to use OnShape, an online CAD, to create models for 3D printing. It was my first time using CAD to create 3D models, and I enjoyed the process of building objects based on measurement and constraints.
I created three models: two for Apple Watch, one for iPhone. I put standardized cross-shaped protruding on the bottom so that the models are modular and removable. They can be arranged based on needs and preference.
Left: iPhone Base (Bottom). Right: iPhone Base (Top)
Left: Apple Watch Holder (Design 1). Right: Apple Watch Holder (Design 2)Prototypes made
However, I realized that it will be hard to create an acrylic base that has precise slots to insert my models. Suddenly, the Lego pad came cross my head. I can add the Lego pattern on the bottom surface so the models would be able to simply put on Lego boards.
I tried to print some prototypes using regular FDM 3d printers. The quality was not so good as expected: it is light, coarse, and cheap looking. After tweaking the diameter of the Apple Watch charger, I printed my model again using the advanced SLA printer. The material, photosensitive resin, is translucent, heavier, and smooth after using hand files.
Prototypes made by MakerBot
Finishing using files
Prototypes made by Formlab printers
Product in use
Lego Instructions

Practice of Design
I made a toy I used to play
The perfect workspace
Graphic Novel

Initial Sketch

