Infographics: Homelessness in Los Angeles County
March 5, 2018

The Story
Homelessness is a significant issue in great Los Angeles area. more people are homeless and unsheltered compared to other cities in the United States. In this infographics, I tried to point out the varied composition of the homeless population by race and age, and possible solutions to homelessness. Most of my data are from statistics or report by government (LA Housing Services Authority and The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). I showed the serious situation of homelessness in LA with shocking numbers including the number of homeless people and the national rankings. Then, I used some graphs to present some disturbing facts on homeless population. Final, a few possible solutions are presented.
The Design
The topic of this infographics should be recognized at a first glance. Therefore, I put a large and bold title and an icon of a family surrounded by a dashed-line house, which signifies a homeless family. To show the structure of the infographics visually, I added some horizontal lines before each subtitle and have consistent layout overall. Some important keywords are replaced to bolder font to emphasize.
I scale up the shocking numbers that I want to emphasize, such as the number of unaccompanied youth. I used a histogram to show the percentage of homeless African American is significantly higher than other race groups while Asian people has the lowest percentage. (There are 3 homeless people in every 100 African American while there are 4 homeless people in every 10000 Asian.) I placed three large and bright circles for each possible solutions. Finally, the sources are put on the bottom with small but legible font size.
2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Results, LA Housing Services Authority
Solutions To Homelessness Come With Their Own Challenges, CBS Los Angeles